We design and create orthodontic devices with high standards of quality and functionality. We are a laboratory focused on the combination of traditional and innovative techniques to provide a satisfactory service in every unit.
Available Services:
We have an expert team to enhance your treatments, especially in removable orthodontics. Working with us means providing your patients with better-aligned and more comfortable smiles.
Our Service
- Retenedor Hawley
- Retenedor circunferencial
- Retenedor Hawley con expansor
- Retenedor Hawley con expansor sagital
- Retenedor Hawley con tornillo tridimensional
- Retenedor Hawley con tornillo tipo abanico
- Expansores sin arco Hawley
- Plano de mordida
- Guarda de Acetato
- Guarda de blanqueamiento
- Guarda de acrílico
- Set pistas twin block (p/ cementar)
- Set twin block (Hawley)
- Set pistas planas
- Resorte tipo T o Z
- Plano de mordida
- Plano inclinado
- Acrílico oclusal
- Acrílico labial
- Trampa Lingual/Rejilla para hábito
- Unidad de acrílico
- Expansor sagital adicional
In our dental laboratory, we share your commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction. Our expertise, the use of cutting-edge technology, competitive prices, and exceptional personalized care set us apart as the ideal choice to meet your needs in fixed orthodontics. We are eager to have the opportunity to collaborate with you and your team in the mission of providing your patients with healthier and more beautiful smiles
Our Service
- Banda estándar
- Banda con tubo
- Mantenedor de espacio
- Arco lingual
- ATP soldado
- ATP con caja lingual
- W de Porter
- Botón de Nance
- Plano de mordida fijo
- Plano inclinado fijo
- Hyrax superior
- Hyrax inferior
- Hyrax tipo abanico
- Lip Bumper
- Lip Bumper con tubos
- Trampa para hábito
- Hass
- Perla de Tucát
Our Service
- Bimler
- Bionator
- Frankel